* Icons of Angels

Extreme Humility

Mandylion ('napkin' or 'handkerchief') is an icon depicting the face of Christ on a cloth. It is also known as 'The Holy Face' and 'Not made by hands'. According to western tradition, as Christ carried the Cross to Calvary, his image miraculously appeared on a veil used by a woman named Veronica to wipe away his perspiration and blood. The relic, known as the 'Veil of Veronica' (from 'vera ikon', meaning 'true image') was copied countless times before all trace of it was lost. According to Eastern tradition, King Agbar of Edessa, sent a messenger to Christ requesting he travel to Edessa to heal the king of an ailment of the skin. Unable to travel to Edessa because the time was upon him to fulfill his destiny, Christ asked for a cloth and a basin of water. Covering his face with the cloth, he miraculously left his image on the cloth and sent it with the messenger back to Edessa to heal the king. The Mandylion was believed to have been kept at the Hagia Sofia in Constantinople until it was lost in the Crusades in 1204.I completed this Icon in October 2009 in a workshop. The medium is acrylic. Feast Day: August 16 I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” -- John 8:12

Christ the Savior